2022 in Review and What 2023 Looks Like

As the year comes to an end, I want to reflect back on 2022.

I’m sharing my top 2 posts of 2022 and my favorite post of 2022.

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Top Read Post

My post with my gluten-free cheese-crusted pork chops was my most-read blog post in 2022.

I can see why, it’s really yummy. It’s also gluten-free which says to me that people are looking for gluten-free options.

gluten-free cheese-crusted pork chops plated on a white platter with fresh thyme garnish. There is a blue tea towel on the side

The second most read post of the year is my simple recipe for the whole roasted chicken.

It’s something I make about once a month and then make bone broth from the bones the next day.


My Favorite Post

My favorite post of 2022 is actually a tie.

Both because they were projects that took some blood, sweat, and tears and they both turned out great.

Laundry Room Reveal

You can find my Laundry Room Reveal HERE

One-Room Challenge Office/Den/Guest Room

One Room Challenge Reveal HERE

Book Club

Book clubs promote a love of literature in a positive, nurturing environment. The purpose of any club is to bring a community together to learn about and discuss something that matters to them, and a book club is no different.

Looking Forward to 2023

I’m so excited about what Living Large in A Small House will look like in 2023.

Crystal from Sweet Valley Acres/Erin from Erin Evolving/Cindy from Reinvented Delaware

I’m doing something new with 3 other amazing bloggers. We’ve started a Virtual Book Club and will be creating a home project inspired by the book on the fourth Thursday of every month followed by a food/recipe inspired by the book on the following Saturday.

Our January book “Murder on the Orient Express” by Agatha Christie is set in the 1930s on the elegant Orient Express Train. The train is stopped by heavy snowfall in Yugoslavia when someone is murdered.

I’m already so excited to share with you my interpretation. I’ve been doing a lot of “sleuthing” about the 1930s Orient Express. Gosh, I wish I could afford to take that trip of a lifetime!

Living Large in a Small House

I will be switching up the days that I post things and I have plans to up my YouTube game in 2023.

You’ll still be able to find me on the Living Large Podcast however it will be going live on Wednesday instead of Monday mornings. I have some great guests lined up for the New Year.

I will be offering my 30-Day Cleaning & Organizing Challenge again. We are starting on Monday, January 30th. This year it will be bigger and better and full of useful information.

I’m always ready for organizing because organizing is a journey, not a destination.

2023 Organizing Tools

2023 Planning

I have bought my 2023 bullet journal and have the first three months organized in a way that works with my life and schedule.

I have some home projects planned for 2023. They may or may not happen depending on “Handy’s” appreciation for them but right now they are on my list

  • Paint the main bedroom floors
  • Add railings to the front porch
  • Paint the main living area walls
  • Get a new batch of chickens in the spring
Baby chick just a few days old being held

On a Personal Note

I hope you are having the very best holiday season.

Thank you so much for being a part of our lives at Living Large in A Small House!

I appreciate each and every one of you!

Peace and Love,

Where you can find me

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  1. Wow! Great posts. I’m excited to see all that you have planned for the new year. You have been busy. Hugs to you, my friend.

    1. I’m trying to be more intentional with what I do in 2023 and be more consistent. I felt like I was all over the place this last year. I want to do the things I’m doing right – better and stop doing the things that weren’t working for me.

  2. Loved reading all about 2022 and all you have planned for 2023! So happy to be a part of the Virtual Book Club with you! It is going to be so much fun. Your photography is so beautiful and crisp.

    1. I’m so excited about the book club too! I’m ready for 2023 and to get my blogging life more organized and have a better work/life balance. I’m so happy you agreed to be part of our little group.

  3. Lynn, you sure accomplished a lot of beautiful projects this year. I must say I have total laundry room envy. I have not had a laundry room for 25 years. Just a simple closet, lol! Happy New Year, friend.
    I look forward to all that is in store for us bloggers this year.

    And I can’t wait for your book club!!!!