10 Kitchen Shortcuts to Make Food Prep Easier

Are you looking for 10 kitchen shortcuts to make food prep easier?

These tips & tricks help get meals on the table in no time.

ball jar with homemade breadcrumbs made from bread before it goes bad

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If you’re trying to make healthy from-scratch meals, they can sometimes take longer to prepare.

Using tricks to cut corners makes things easier in the kitchen. Some may seem like more work but it’s really just upfront work that will save you time during multiple meal preps.

This is an especially busy couple of weeks with Wedding #2 – The Party right around the corner.

I’m not only using easy-to-prep meal recipes, but I’m also following my “How to Handle a Busy Week” advice.

10 Kitchen Shortcuts to Make Food Prep Easier

Meal Planning

  • This is at the top of my list because it is by far the best tip for ease of meal prep
  • When you know what you are preparing and have all the ingredients, that’s half the battle
  • You can read about my meal planning HERE

Crushed Garlic

  • Do you use a lot of garlic? We do! Crushed Garlic in a jar is something I always have on hand in the refrigerator. I typically only use fresh garlic for a recipe that really calls for it.
  • When I do have a whole head of garlic, I typically am only using one clove so the rest gets peeled, crushed, and put right into my jar in the refrigerator.

Garbage Bowl

  • Having a bowl to put all of my food prep remnants. It is so handy. You can add the tops to vegetables, the skins, and just about anything food-related that is not going into the recipe.
  • Then those scraps can go into the garbage all at once or in our case into the chicken coop or composter.
  • Did you know we have chickens?? You can read about it HERE

Using the right tools for the job – There are some must-have tools in my kitchen

Herbs in Ice Cubes

  • I’ve shared with you HERE how I preserve herbs in ice cubes.
  • These are such time savers for meal prep.
  • An olive oil & basil cube will go into my pan for the start of many Italian dishes. A water and thyme cube gets put into my sauce for pork chops. You get the picture!
chopped jalepano peppers in a reusable freezer bag ready for the freezer

Easy Peel hardboiled eggs in a glass or jar

  • Handy” actually taught me this trick. All his time on his iPad has had one benefit.
  • The trick is to put your hardboiled egg into a glass or ball jar and add a little bit of water (about 1/2 way up the egg) and then shake the jar back and forth for about 30 seconds or until the shell is completely cracked.
  • Take the egg out of the jar and the shell just slides right off.

Bread Crumbs with Leftover Bread

  • We don’t eat a lot of bread so there is always bread that either needs to get used or thrown. I also buy hamburger buns on occasion and there are always 2-3 left over.
  • Don’t let it go to waste. Throw the bread into the food processor and let it spin for about a minute and you have breadcrumbs. Put them in a container and store them in the freezer. No more penicillin bread in your bread box and you have homemade breadcrumbs on hand to use in a recipe.

Double the Recipe

  • When I do this, I’m so grateful that there are freezer meals available for busy weeks. The trick is to remember to double your recipe. The ultimate way to make food prep easier. Here are a few that freeze well.

Clean while you work

  • When I clean up while I’m cooking it just makes everything easier.
  • Empty the dishwasher and have a tub of soapy water in the sink.
  • As you cook, during the time when things are simmering or water is boiling, it is a great time to wash things up or put them in the dishwasher.

Keeping your Refrigerator & Freezer Organized

  • We made a trip to the store last night just for meatballs to add to the spaghetti sauce.
  • When I cleaned out the freezer today I found, you guessed it, another bag of meatballs.
  • Having your refrigerator & freezer organized helps with your grocery list, easy access to your ingredients, and not finding out your milk has expired right before you plan to use it.

Meal Delivery

This service can be a life-changer for those who don’t really like to spend time in the kitchen and also want a healthy meal. We have tried several services and it’s a bit tricky for us. With Emma at home, two servings aren’t enough and four is too much. I also have “Handy” who is a very picky eater. But having tried it, I can certainly see the appeal for many families.

Other Kitchen Tips

I have so much more than these 10 kitchen tips. Just like my gardening tips, I plan to make this an ongoing series. Sharing housekeeping tips is something that I love to do. I learn new things every day and if something is working, I love to hear about it and try it out.

If you have any tips that help you out in the kitchen, please share them in the comments below and I will add them to my kitchen tips.

Tools you’ll need

I hope you are having a great week. Whether you are enjoying it in the garden with my 5 Tips from the Gardening Bench or spending time in the kitchen trying out some new shortcuts to make food prep easier or just enjoying a great book! Enjoy what you love to do!


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    1. I’ve got a million of them 🙂

  1. The hard-boiled egg tip is awesome! I’ll definitely be using that tip!

    1. It’s a pretty nice trick!

  2. In your “keeping your refrigerator and freezer organized” you mention not being surprised that your milk has expired. Please be aware that the “sell by” date on the milk is about ten days prior to it turning sour. Even then, the milk is not bad and can be used for pancakes, waffles, cakes, etc. There’s a common misperception that the “sell by” date means you have to throw the item in the garbage. The food companies are not interested in advising otherwise – – they’re happy for you to throw it away and buy more.

    1. Hi Betty –

      I really appreciate that advice. I sometimes will still use it if it’s a few days past but I always smell it. When my kids were little I made them mac and cheese with old milk and they all were sick. I’ve been very reluctant to use expired milk ever since 🙂