How to Make a Beautiful Easter Tablescape on a Budget

I love beautiful tablescapes and I’m going to show you how to make a beautiful Easter tablescape on a budget. 

Easter Tablescape

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How to Make a Beautiful Easter Tablescape

The first layer of a pretty easter tablescape is a tablecloth. I purchase my tablecloths on Amazon. They are extremely inexpensive.

They look nice however, if they get a stain or candle wax on them, I don’t feel like I’m breaking the bank to replace them. In fact, I always keep a second tablecloth on hand. 

I chose to use white tablecloths but you can also find them in many different colors.

While I gravitate to more natural easter decorations, I also find joy in the pastel colors of spring and easter.

Place Settings

To start my place setting, I use a beautiful rose gold charger that I got from Dollar Tree. Order your’s today for quick delivery to your closest Dollar Tree location. 

I then place a white plate on top of that. I love using white plates as my base because I can easily switch out the salad plate for any occasion. Last year for Easter, I used a plate that I got from Pier 1 several years ago. 

If you don’t have something like this in stock, you can easily make a great plate using Mod Podge and Dollar Tree glass plates

You can see the plates that I’ve made before HERE.

For cute napkin rings, you can roll up a napkin, fold it in half, and tie it with simple twine. What cute little rabbit ears these make. You can place faux eggs in the opening and set them on your plate.

The Easter Centerpiece

Then I used my faux eucalyptus garland down the center of my table and put my Trader Joe’s or grocery store flowers in glass vases.

Again, these vases are available for $1.25 at Dollar Tree. If you don’t have a Dollar Tree you probably have another local dollar store. You can also find loads of vases at Goodwill or a thrift store. Another great way to display fresh flowers is to use a mason jar.

I popped some spring flowers from our local nursery into some old terra cotta pots and made the cutest little pansy holders with eggshells from our chickens and some ceramic egg cups that I got a few years back at World Market for $1. 

You could also place little place cards on each egg cup plant holder so your guests will know where to sit.

This year’s Easter Plans

As I mentioned earlier I’m drawn to more natural elements so I have a few DIY projects planned.

I want to make a Spanish moss table runner for my dining room table that I can layer with my ceramic bunnies and some fresh flowers in a natural color scheme with just a little pop of color. I will use some inexpensive brown kraft paper that I always have on hand as the base for my moss runner.

I’m picturing the result will look much like my whimsical mantelscape. It’s one of my favorite easter ideas. You can find the video of it HERE. Everything I used was gathered from my greenhouse and/or was already part of my spring/easter decorations.

It reminds me of a garden party.

I’m also planning to try dying my eggs with natural dyes. My friend Wendy from WM Design House dyed eggs with blueberries and they turned out so pretty. There are so many easy DIYs for spring and easter available to make a festive easter tablescape.


I will share more at the bottom of this post.

Only one of my kids will be home for Easter this year. Hence I’m keeping my easter decorating simple and more spring decor.

Planning Ahead

As always, if I plan ahead of time for holiday events, I can do them on a small budget, have a great time, and enjoy my day. I share my tips for Stress-Free Entertaining in my entertaining series.

If you are a friend of Living Large in A Small House, you can have access to my FREE printables. In my FREE Resource Library, you will find the cutest place cards that I’ve created for spring.

You can find my Easter brunch menu ideas and recipes for our easter gathering HERE!

Peace and Love,

A blue background with hand-drawn elements sets the stage. A heart symbol flanked by two lines adds charm, while the text "Lynn xoxo" in cursive whispers a promise to make food prep easier and more delightful.
A dark blue background with a subtle, wavy abstract line pattern running across the center, reminiscent of the flowing creativity often found when living large in a small house.

Meet Me

My name is Lynn. I live in the suburbs of Chicago in a 1,300 sq. ft. home with my Handy husband, Keith.

I’m an open book about my life on my blog. You can find out more about me by visiting my About page.

Some More Great Easter Ideas

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  1. Happy Easter! How wonderful that you get your family around your Easter table. What a lovely tablescape. I love the copper, it’s so beautiful. Where did you get the napkin rings?

    1. Hum! I don’t have napkin rings on this table. On my St. Pats table I had ones that I got from Pier 1.

  2. Elizabeth@pineconesandacorns says:

    I love your beautiful Easter table! This is so beautiful!

    1. You’re so sweet Elizabeth. I’m having so much fun with my new table. I’ve switched it up three times and expect that I’ll do it again soon. ????

  3. Leslie Watkins says:

    Oh, Lynn! I love it. Love that copper and those eggs with pansies are the sweetest! I need to make a trip to the Dollar Tree!

    1. The pansy egg cups are so easy and so inexpensive. When I’m done with them I will tuck them into my spring pots on my porch; eggshell and all.

  4. Easter has always been our blended family holiday, this year we will celebrate with friends on the day since grown children are working. Tablescapes make it so special. I love your ideas!

    1. Thank you Sweetie – I love playing around with my table decorations. Easter has always been a quiet holiday for us. When our kids were in college they typically didn’t come home because it’s a 6-hour drive and they didn’t get any days off for Easter. This year we are having friends and a few of our kids which is something new for us. Looking forward to it.

      Unfortunately, I had it in my mind that I had another weekend. When I realized it’s next weekend, I panicked. I need to kick it into high gear!

      Thank you for taking the time to read my little blog and always offering encouragement!

  5. Egg cups are adorable. Love them. Happy you get to have family vet to enjoy that table and menu. The copper is so unusual, I need some. Makes me want a Moscow mule. ????

    1. Thanks Regina – My daughter Emma is a actually a big fan of Moscow Mules, she just might have that instead of a Mimosa for brunch 🙂

  6. Lynn, your tablescape is so beautiful. I cannot believe all the great finds from the dollar tree. Wow! Thank you for sharing my Easter centerpiece post. I appreciate it so much, my friend.