Ideas for Creating a Family Command Center in A Small House


Creating a functional family command center in a designated spot can be a game-changer for busy households.  In my opinion, it is crucial if you live in a small space. 

Fall always seems like a new beginning for me. Kids are heading back to a new year of school. The heat of summer is winding down making way for a cooler, more relaxed season.

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With a designated space to keep track of schedules, to-do lists, and important papers, you can streamline your family’s daily routine and reduce stress. But where do you start? In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a family command center that works for you.

The first step is to choose a location for your command center. It should be a central spot in your home that’s easily accessible to everyone in the family. When you live in a small house, your options are more limited. I found the kitchen to be the ideal spot but it could be a mudroom or home office if you have one.

Once you’ve chosen a location, it’s time to decide what components you want to include in your command center. A calendar, bulletin board, and file system are all essential elements that will help keep your family organized. You may also want to add a whiteboard, chalkboard, or digital display to keep track of important information and reminders.

Understanding the Concept of a Command Center

If you’re looking for a way to keep your family organized, a family command center is an excellent solution. For me, organization is key when you live in a small house. Whether your family is just you, two, or even more, it’s important to have one place for household organization. 

A home command center is a designated area where you can keep track of schedules, messages, and important documents. It’s a central location where everyone in the family can go to find out what’s going on and what needs to be done.

A family command center can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. Some families create a small bulletin board, while others create an entire wall of organization. The key is to create a system that works for your family and keeps everyone on the same page.

When you’re creating a family command center, it’s important to think about what you want to include. Some common items include a family calendar, a to-do list, a message board, and a file organizer. You may also want to include a space for keys, phones, and other items that tend to get lost.

When my kids were here my command center was much more complex. 

Now that it’s just “Handy” and me, we simply need a spot for a calendar, a mail sorting spot, and a place where we both can find household essentials and office supplies.

  • Pens & Pencils
  • Paper
  • Envelopes & Stamps
  • Tape Measure
  • Glue
  • Meal Plan Calendar
  • To-Do List
  • Monthly Calendar for planned activities
  • Spare Car Keys
  • Shopping Lists/Grocery List
  • ​Home Management Binder

Overall, a family command center is a great way to keep your family organized and on track. It’s a central location where everyone can go to find out what’s going on and what needs to be done. By creating a system that works for your family, you can reduce stress and make life a little bit easier.

Benefits of a Family Command Center

A family command center is an essential tool for any household. It helps you stay organized, manage your time more efficiently, and fosters communication among family members. Here are some of the benefits of having a family command center:

Promotes Organization

A family command center is a great idea to keep your household organized. By having a central location for important information, you can easily keep track of schedules, appointments, and deadlines. You can use a whiteboard or a bulletin board to display your family’s weekly schedule, meal plan, and to-do list. This way, everyone in the family knows what they need to do and when they need to do it.

Enhances Time Management

A family command center can help you manage your time more efficiently. By having a clear view of your family’s schedule, you can avoid double-booking appointments or forgetting important events. You can also use a calendar to plan out your meals for the week, making grocery shopping and meal prep more manageable. This way, you can spend less time worrying about what to make for dinner and more time enjoying quality time with your family.

Boosts Family Communication

A family command center can also help improve communication among family members. By having a central location for important information, you can easily share updates and reminders with your entire family. You can use a message board to leave notes for each other or a chore chart to assign tasks. This way, everyone in the family knows what’s expected of them, and you can avoid miscommunications and misunderstandings.

In summary, a family command center is an excellent tool for promoting organization, enhancing time management, and boosting family communication. By implementing a family command center in your home, you can help your family stay organized and connected.

Choosing the Right Location for Your Command Center

When it comes to creating a functional family command center, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is where to put it. Choosing the right location can make all the difference in how well your command center works for you and your family.

First, consider the space you have available. Ideally, your command center should be located in a central area of your home, such as the kitchen or a hallway. This will make it easily accessible to everyone in your family. I personally feel like a kitchen command center is ideal, especially for a small house. You have easy access to important things right in the heart of the home. 

Our command center is still in our kitchen but tucked away in a cabinet near our front entryway. It now has become a place where we both know where certain things are housed. I no longer take up precious wall space and a cabinet is the perfect place for our lifestyle now. When my kids were younger my center needed to be out in the open as there were so many more moving parts.

Next, think about the size of your command center. If you have a lot of paperwork or a large family, you’ll need a bigger space to accommodate everything. On the other hand, if you have limited space, you may need to get creative with how you organize your command center. For years the front of my refrigerator was our family command center. 

Another important factor to consider is visibility. You want your command center to be visible and easy to find, but you also don’t want it to be an eyesore. Look for a spot that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Finally, think about your family’s needs and routines. Do you need a drop zone to store backpacks and shoes, or a spot to keep track of appointments and schedules? Make sure your command center is tailored to your family’s specific needs.

By taking the time to choose the right location for your command center, you’ll set yourself up for success and make it easier to stay organized and on top of things.

Essential Components of a Family Command Center

Creating a family command center can be a great way to keep your household organized. But what should you include in your command center? Here are some essential components that you may want to consider:


A calendar is a must-have for any family command center. It allows you to keep track of everyone’s schedules and appointments in one place. You can use a physical calendar or a digital one, depending on your preference. Some families find it helpful to color-code the calendar to make it easier to see who has what going on.

Bulletin Board

A bulletin board or cork board squares is a great way to keep important information visible and easily accessible. You can use it to post reminders, invitations, and other important documents. You may also want to include a section for each family member to post their own school papers, notes, or artwork. A white board is also a nice option as it’s magnetic but can also be a place to write messages with dry erase markers.

In/Out Mail Bins

In/out mail bins are a convenient way to keep track of important things that need to be dealt with. You can use one bin for incoming mail and another for outgoing mail. You may also want to include a bin for each family member to keep track of their own paperwork. I recently went paperless and it has pretty much eliminated paper clutter in our house. Check out my paperless home blog post and find out how I did it. 

Task Lists

Task lists are a great way to keep everyone on the same page when it comes to chores and other responsibilities. You can use a whiteboard or a digital list to keep track of who is responsible for what. You may also want to include deadlines and reminders to help everyone stay on track.

Notes Area

A notes area is a great place to jot down quick reminders or messages. You can use a small whiteboard or a chalkboard for this purpose. You may also want to include a section for each family member to leave notes for each other. A small wire basket with pen and paper can accomplish this task for a busy family

By including these essential components in your family command center, you can help keep your household running smoothly.

5 of My Favorite Command Centers

If you’re not the DIY type or simply don’t have the time to create a family command center from scratch, there are plenty of pre-made options available. Here are some of the best ones to consider:

  • Pottery Barn Daily System: This stylish command center has many options that include a magnetic whiteboard, corkboard, and letter bin, along with a calendar and key hooks. It’s available in a variety of finishes to match any decor. 
  • Michaels Command Center: This is a budget-friendly option. You will have to buy things separately like a chalkboard, corkboard, and magnetic board, along with a shelf and hooks for organization. It’s easy to customize your own command center to what your family specifically needs. You can also refinish with your own paint or stain.
  • Ballard Design Home Office Wall Organizer: While this command center is designed for a home office, it can easily be adapted for family use. It includes a magnetic whiteboard, corkboard, and file pockets, along with a shelf and hooks. I personally used their white wood organizer for my kitchen counter for many years.
  • Office Depot Magnetic Dry-Erase Combo Board: This simple command center includes a dry-erase board and corkboard, along with a tray for markers and magnets. It’s a great option for small spaces.
  • Etsy Custom Family Command Center: For a truly unique option, consider a custom command center from Etsy. You can choose from a variety of styles and materials, and work with a seller to create a center that meets your specific needs.

The links to lots of pre-made options are down below this article.

No matter which pre-made command center you choose, be sure to consider your family’s specific needs and use it as a starting point for the organization.

Command Centers at Amazon

Click on the pictures above to take you to the Amazon links.

Setting Up Your Family Command Center

Creating a functional family command center can help you keep your family organized and on track. Here are the steps you need to follow to set up your command center:

Gathering Necessary Supplies

Before you start setting up your command center, you will need to gather some necessary supplies. Here’s a list of items you’ll need:

  • Command center board or bulletin board
  • Dry erase board or chalkboard
  • Calendar
  • Pens, markers, and erasers
  • File folders
  • Labels
  • Pushpins or magnets
  • Sticky notes
  • Scissors
  • Any equipment that might be necessary to assemble

Assembling the Command Center

Once you have all the necessary supplies, it’s time to assemble your command center. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Choose a location for your command center. It should be a central location that is easily accessible to everyone in the family.
  2. Hang your command center board or bulletin board on the wall.
  3. Hang your dry-erase board or chalkboard next to your command center board.
  4. Hang your calendar on the wall near your command center.
  5. Label your file folders and hang them on the command center board.
  6. Use pushpins or magnets to attach your sticky notes to the command center board.
  7. Use 3M Command Strips or hooks are great to attach any other necessary items to the command center board.
  8. Finally, make sure everyone in the family knows where the command center is and how to use it.

By following these steps, you can create a functional family command center that will help keep your family organized and on track.

Maintaining Your Family Command Center

Once you have created your family command center, it’s important to maintain it to ensure it remains functional and useful for everyone in the family. Here are some tips for keeping your family command center up-to-date and organized.

Regular Updating

To keep your family command center functioning effectively, you should make sure to update it regularly. This means adding new information as it becomes available and removing outdated information. Set a regular schedule for updating your command center, whether it’s weekly or monthly, and stick to it.

Consider using a bulletin board or whiteboard for items that need to be updated frequently, such as schedules or to-do lists. For more permanent information, such as emergency contact numbers or medical information, use a laminated sheet that can be easily updated with a dry-erase marker.

Family Participation

To ensure that everyone in the family is invested in the command center, encourage everyone to participate in its maintenance. Assign specific tasks to each family member, such as updating the calendar or checking the to-do list.

Make sure that everyone knows how to use the command center and understands its purpose. Hold regular family meetings to discuss any changes or updates that need to be made and solicit feedback on how the command center can be improved.

By regularly updating and involving the whole family in its maintenance, your family command center will remain an effective central place for keeping everyone organized and on track.

Using Technology to Organize Your Family

Technology can be an excellent tool to help you and your family stay organized. Here are some tips on how to use technology to create a functional family command center:

1. Use a Shared Calendar

A shared calendar is the perfect way to help you keep track of everyone’s schedules in one place. You can use Google Calendar or Apple Calendar to create a shared calendar that everyone in your family can access. This way, you can easily see when someone has a doctor’s appointment, a soccer game, or a school event. I love that they have the feature to color-coordinate your events. 

2. Use a Family Task Manager

A family task manager can help you assign and track tasks for everyone in your family. You can use apps like Trello, Asana, or Todoist to create a family task board. This way, you can assign tasks like cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry, or taking out the trash, and everyone can see what needs to be done. 

3. Use a Meal Planning App

Meal planning can be a challenge for busy families. You can use apps like Mealime, Cookpad, or Plan to Eat to plan your meals for the week. These apps can help you create a shopping list, find recipes, and even suggest meals based on your dietary preferences.

4. Use a Family Communication App

Communication is key to keeping your family organized. You can use apps like WhatsApp, Slack, or Messenger to communicate with your family members. These apps allow you to send messages, make phone calls, and even video chat with your family members.

By using technology to organize your family, you can save time, reduce stress, and keep everyone on the same page.


Congratulations! You have successfully created a functional family command center. By following the step-by-step guide, you have established a central location in your home where important information and tasks can be organized and easily accessible.

Remember to customize your command center to fit the unique needs of your family. You can add or remove sections as necessary, and even change the layout or design to make it more visually appealing.

With a functional family command center, you can streamline your family’s daily routines and reduce stress. By keeping important information and tasks in one central location, you can avoid miscommunication and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Don’t forget to regularly update your command center and encourage your family members to use it. With a little effort, your family can enjoy the benefits of a well-organized and functional command center for years to come.

When you live in a small house, being organized is central to being content in your space. A command center is a perfect solution for a family’s daily life organization. 

Peace and Love,

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