One Room Challenge – Week 2


Welcome to the One Room Challenge. This is Week 2 Demolition

We’ve already run into some issues.

the desk we are removing in the room of the one room challenge - week 2

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Remodeling Problems

When you have a remodeling project, you are bound to run into problems.

Our first stumbling block was that “Handy” makes everything with the mindset of it needs to last for one hundred years.

Taking apart the built-in desk was an undertaking!

Once the desk was dismantled, we discovered the floors under it were not stained!


This is going to mean sanding the unfinished flooring down and then trying to match the stain to the existing floors.

“Handy” just made a table for Emma to match the West Elm chairs that she was gifted from @happilyeveretter and he found a guy (he has a guy for just about everything) who matched the stain color from the chairs for the table almost perfectly.

We’ll use him again for the stain on our floors.

I also noticed that the molding around the closet door was notched for the shelve that went around the perimeter of the room so the molding will need to be replaced.

Uncovering History

I’d like to say that we found something from the 1800s but 1) our house isn’t that old and 2) we aren’t that lucky. However, we did find the last 30 years of paint colors. There were four. A beige color, a grey-green, a blue and finally a very light blue-grey

Remodeling on a Budget

My goal with this room is to transform it on a budget

Here are some of my money-saving ideas

  • We will be doing all of the work ourselves
  • Using existing furniture
  • Shopping my home for wall decor
  • Hoping to find the pieces I do need on Facebook Marketplace or Garage Sales
    • Dresser
    • Lamps
    • Art Work
  • I’m going to look for a desk but I might have to make one because my idea is for it to be portable (update before this is posted: I found a great little french desk on Marketplace but I don’t have it yet so not sure how it’s going to work)
  • I’m going to try to sell some of the things that are in this space that I don’t need or use anymore. That will give me some additional cash for the things I do have to pay for.

What to Expect Next Week

I will be:

Patching and repairing the walls and the molding.

Sanding and Staining the floor.

Potentially be wallpapering or painting. The wallpaper I want might not be available in my 8-week timeframe but at some point, it will be put on the walls.

Tools We Used

Where is All the Stuff from That Room?

all of my stuff from this room in the rest of the house. The downside of the one room challenge - week 2

The closet is still full and the bookshelf still has all of its content. The rest is in my dining room and on my kitchen island.

It’s a disaster!

Another goal is to go through everything and hopefully throw, sell or donate most of it.

the hardwood floors that aren't refinished under the desk. Issues in the one room challenge

Already Making a Little Progress in the One Room Challenge

the bookshelf that I'm leaving has new crown molding already. Progress in the one room challenge

” Handy” has already repaired the crown molding on the bookshelf that was in pieces from the desk demo.

I will be out of town next week attending a Bloggers Retreat “Bloggers Inspiring Bloggers” as a speaker but I will keep you posted as to the week’s progress.

Thanks for following along with the progress of my one-room challenge project.


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  1. I can’t wait to see it finished. You are so lucky to have “handy.”

    1. I had wanted to do more of the work myself but he’s not really letting me. He doesn’t trust me to do as good of a job. 🙂

  2. We’ve had similar problems when renovating spaces we have already renovated – my hubby builds things to last 100 years too!! The room is going to look great!

    1. Keith just taped a $1 bill to the wall with a note to himself that when I make him change everything in 5 years, he’ll have something to look forward to.