The Best Organizing Tips for Bedrooms and Bathrooms

As someone who loves to keep my living space organized, I know firsthand how overwhelming it can be to tackle clutter in the bedroom and bathroom.

These areas are often filled with personal items, making it difficult to know where to start. However, with a few simple tips and tricks, organizing your bedroom and bathroom can be a breeze.

tranquil white bed and white bed linenes

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The best way to start organizing your bedroom and bathroom is by decluttering. Take a look at all the items in your space and decide what you really need and what can be donated or thrown away. This easy way of decluttering will not only make your space feel less cluttered but also make it easier to organize what’s left.

Once you’ve decluttered, it’s time to find great ways to organize your space. In the bedroom, consider using under-bed storage containers or hanging organizers for shoes and accessories. In the bathroom, use drawer dividers and clear containers to store toiletries and makeup. These easy and effective ways of organizing will not only make your space look neater but also make it easier to find what you need.

Maximizing Small Spaces

As someone who lives in a small house, I know how important it is to make the most out of limited space. Here are some tips for maximizing small spaces in your bedroom and bathroom.

Utilizing Vertical Space

When you’re dealing with a small room, it’s important to think vertically. One of the best ways to do this is by utilizing your walls. Install shelves above your bed or desk to store books, plants, or other decorative items. You can also use hanging organizers for shoes, jewelry, or toiletries.

Another great option for small bedrooms is bunk beds. Not only do they save space, but they can also be a good option for a fun and unique addition to a room. If you have a high ceiling, you can even install a loft bed with a desk or seating area underneath. Now that we have Grands, I’m thinking about creating a bunk room for more sleeping space. 

Creative Bed Storage Solutions

Your bed can also be a great source of storage in a small room. Instead of a traditional bed frame, consider a platform bed with built-in drawers or shelves. You can store clothes, shoes, or extra blankets in these compartments. 

When our kids all lived at home they each had a bed with built-in drawers under the mattress platform. 

Another option is to use bed risers to create additional space underneath your bed. This area can be used for storing suitcases, seasonal clothing, or even a mini-fridge.

By using these tips, you can make the most out of any small bedroom or bathroom. Remember to think creatively and use all available space to your advantage.

Closet Organization Ideas

As someone who loves a tidy and organized space, I have found that implementing effective closet organization strategies is key to keeping my bedroom and bathroom clutter-free. Here are some tips that have worked wonders for me:

picture of closet completely empty during the organizing process
The closet emptied of everything. Only the things we wear will go back in.

Implementing a Closet System

Investing in a closet system can make a huge difference in maximizing storage space and keeping things organized. Whether you have a walk-in closet or a small closet, there are plenty of options available to fit your needs and budget.

One of my favorite closet systems is the Elfa system from The Container Store. It’s customizable, easy to install, and comes in a variety of finishes to match any decor. Another great option is the ClosetMaid system, which is affordable and easy to find at most home improvement stores.

When implementing a closet system, it’s important to assess your needs and plan accordingly. Consider how much hanging space, shelving, and drawer space you need, as well as any accessories like shoe racks or jewelry organizers.

clean and organized end table in primary bedroom

Smart Use of Accessories

In addition to a closet system, using accessories can also help keep your closet organized. Here are a few ideas:

  • Use slim hangers to maximize hanging space and keep clothes from slipping off.
  • Use shelf dividers to keep stacks of clothing or linens tidy.
  • Use drawer organizers to separate socks, underwear, and other small items.
  • Use a hanging organizer for shoes or purses. Your closet or bedroom door is the perfect place for hanging organizer.

When it comes to closet organization, the possibilities are endless. By implementing a closet system and using accessories, you can create a space that is both functional and stylish.

Efficient Bathroom Arrangement

As someone who loves to have an organized bathroom, I have found a few tips and tricks that have helped me make the most of my small bathroom space.

Having an organized bathroom has the added benefit of making my morning routine go smoothly. Here are a few of my favorite ways to efficiently arrange a bathroom:

organized shelves in a bathroom

Maximize Cabinet Space

One of the best ways to make the most of your bathroom space is to maximize your cabinet space. Use stackable containers to organize your items and make sure to take advantage of the vertical space.

I like to use small baskets and dividers to keep my items separated and easy to find. I’m also a labeler so I know at a glance what is in everything. In my medicine cabinet, I utilized two coffee cups that I loved but were the only two left from a set as a way to hold my toothbrush and my floss. I also keep the things I use right after my shower in there.

Things to Throw Away Immediately

If you’re looking to declutter your bathroom, there are a few things that should be your first step. Get rid of old makeup, expired medicines, and empty bottles.

Medicine Cabinet after I threw away old stuff

Make sure to also get rid of any items that you haven’t used in a while or that don’t serve a purpose in your bathroom.

“I’ve learned, above all, that less is truly beautiful. That happiness and contentment can’t be manufactured, bought, subscribed to, or achieved by adding more to our lives. It’s the counter-intuitive action of stripping away the excess that allows us to discover beauty and joy in the good lives we already have.”

– Emily Ley

Organizing Personal Care Products

Personal care products can take up a lot of space in your bathroom, so it’s important to organize them efficiently. I use the door space in my bathroom to house toilet paper and the drawers to keep all my hair care products. I like to keep my personal care products in a separate cabinet from my other bathroom items to keep everything organized and easy to find. That cabinet is outside in the hall because our bathroom is such a small space.

By maximizing your cabinet space, getting rid of unnecessary items, and organizing your personal care products, you can efficiently arrange your bathroom and make the most of your space.

Bathroom Linen Closet

If you have a linen closet in your bathroom, this is a great place to keep towels, extra toilet paper, and even bed linens if you have the space. If you’re filling up your whole linen closet with personal care items, it’s time to purge old products and make room for other things.

Using baskets and bins in your linen closet is a great way to organize the space. If you have enough floor space at the bottom of your linen closet, this is a great place to put a laundry basket.

I have an antique armoire in our bedroom which is what I use as a linen closet. It is a space that gets cluttered easily. I keep on top of it by decluttering often. 

cabinet over the toilet for bathroom storage

Decluttering Techniques

Decluttering is an essential step in organizing any space. Without decluttering, you will only be organizing clutter, which will ultimately lead to a disorganized mess.

Here are two decluttering techniques that I find helpful for bedrooms and bathrooms:

The KonMari Method

The KonMari Method, created by Marie Kondo, is a popular decluttering technique that involves going through your belongings and only keeping items that spark joy. It has helped me tremendously to become not just a good organizer but a great organizer. 

The method involves taking all your belongings in a category, such as clothes, and placing them in a pile. Then, you go through each item and ask yourself if it sparks joy. I ask myself, “Do You Love This” if it does, you keep it. If it doesn’t, you thank it for its service and let it go.

I find this method helpful for decluttering piles of clothes and accessories. It’s a great way to ensure that you’re only keeping items you truly love and use. Once you’ve decluttered your belongings, you can use drawer dividers and storage baskets to keep everything organized and easily accessible.

Regular Clear-Outs

Another decluttering technique is to regularly clear out your belongings. This involves going through your items regularly, such as once a month or once a season, and getting rid of anything you no longer need or use. You can also join us each February and September and declutter with friends.

I find this technique helpful for keeping my bathroom organized. It’s easy for toiletries, beauty products, and smaller items to pile up, so I make sure to regularly go through them and get rid of anything that’s expired or that I no longer use. This helps me keep my bathroom clutter-free and ensures that I’m only using products that are still effective.

Overall, decluttering is an important step in organizing any space. Whether you use the KonMari Method or regular clear-outs, taking the time to declutter will help you create a more organized and functional bedroom and bathroom.

with good organizing tips for bedrooms and bathrooms you can have a relaxing tranquil space like this bed

Stylish and Functional Accessories

As someone who loves to keep my bedroom and bathroom organized, I’ve found that having the right accessories can make all the difference. Here are a few of my favorite items that are both stylish and functional:

Choosing the Right Storage Bins

One of the easiest ways to add extra storage space to your bedroom or bathroom is by using storage bins. I like to use clear bins so I can easily see what’s inside, but you can also choose bins in fun colors or patterns to add a pop of personality to your space. These are all the places that I use for storage items:

Decorative Yet Practical Items

In addition to storage bins, there are plenty of other decorative yet practical items that can help keep your bedroom and bathroom organized. For example, a home office organizer can be repurposed to hold makeup brushes or hair accessories.

Drawer organizers can be used to keep your socks and underwear neatly separated. And a storage system with hooks can be used to hang towels or robes. I use rolling carts in many spaces in my home. If you like to read, write, paint, knit, journal, or more, these carts can hold all of your supplies and be rolled around to different rooms in your home. 

Overall, having the right accessories can make organizing your bedroom and bathroom a breeze. Whether you’re looking for extra storage space or just want to add a touch of personality to your space, there are plenty of options out there to choose from.

I can’t say it enough I love the clear multi-sized plastic organizers that are available HERE and I just bought (2) of each pack of these Brightroom by Target organizers HERE. They help me to keep my bedroom and bathroom in tip-top shape. 

Don’t forget you can always reach out to me if you have any questions. Email me at

Peace, Love & Happy Organizing!

Meet Me

My name is Lynn. I live in the suburbs of Chicago in a 1,300 sq. ft. home with my Handy husband, Keith.

I’m an open book about my life on my blog. You can find out more about me by visiting my About page.

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