I’m Going to the Haven Conference 2021

Tomorrow I’m going to the Haven Conference 2021 and I couldn’t be more excited. I hope that I will learn some things to make this blog even better than it already is!

My mentor is Leslie from My 100 Year Old Home and I couldn’t be more excited! She is the Meryl Streep of the blogging/social media world. HOW LUCKY AM I.

Grand Hyatt Buckhead Atlanta GA

I’m driving to Atlanta after our nightmare plane travel experience coming home from Dallas. I also want to bring way more stuff than the average airline will allow. I’m also hoping to walk away with all kinds of loot from this convention to bring back with me to Illinois.

My side-kick Emma is coming along for the ride. She works from home so she will be able to do her job in the car and hotel room on the days that she’s working.

Where my side-kick Emma will be hanging out
I imagine Emma will spend a bit of time here

We are hoping that we can get our second podcast in the can while we are there! You haven’t heard the first one you say? We can’t figure out how to edit it and download it to the podcast platform. Hoping to learn more about that this weekend too!

I’ve known about the Haven Conference for many years but I’ve been too scared to go by myself. Since February I’ve been in a Master Class led by another Blogging Legend, KariAnne Wood of Thistlewood Farms. Because of her being there and the fact that about 60 of the other members of the class are also going; I’m so excited to attend. I can’t wait to meet all these people in person.

Learning new things and meeting potential companies to collaborate with is my goal for this trip. I’ve actually been blogging since 2013 but haven’t taken it seriously until this last year.

If you want to read about the 5 biggest mistakes I made when I started blogging, you can find that article HERE

I can’t wait to tell you about my travels with Emma and apply my newly learned lessons to my blog.


I share meeting some of my Haven friends in Dallas HERE

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  1. Leslie Watkins says:

    Can’t wait to meet you and so many in that great group!

  2. Cindy Rust says:

    It was so amazing to meet you in person Lynn!! Wasn’t it a great weekend?? My mind is bursting with blog plans!

    1. Sorry for the late response. I just found this. It was a great weekend and my mind is still reeling.