5 Mistakes I Made When I Started My Blog

If you’ve ever thought about starting a blog, I want to share the top 5 mistakes I made when I started my blog.

Blogging is a fun way to share your thoughts, ideas, and talents. However, if your talent isn’t coding, WordPress knowledge, or SEO, it can be challenging. Here are the top 5 mistakes I made.

picture of Mac book computer, bullet journal, pens and cup of coffee on wooden desk

#1 – Use the Platform for your Blog

  • I didn’t start out using WordPress.org
    • My first blog was on blogspot.com and it was a huge waste of my time and energy. It was free and I didn’t know better. I eventually found out that I didn’t own any of my content and that I wouldn’t really be able to monetize my site. Luckily I found out pretty early on and had a new site design that was on the WordPress.org platform. You have to pay for WordPress.org but it’s worth it. Also, don’t be fooled by WordPress.com which is a free platform. There are many limitations to that as well. Do your homework!

#2 – Don’t spend a fortune for your Theme

  • I paid way too much to have my first website designed for me.
    • I can’t even say how much I paid to have my first site designed for me because “Handy” reads my posts. By the time I finally was able to take my blogging seriously, my site was dated and didn’t do any of the things I wanted and needed to work for me. I rebranded my site when I purchased a theme from HERE
Farmhouse Theme from Restored 316

#3 – Don’t Pay for all the classes

  • I spent quite a bit of money over time getting sucked into classes that ended up just being people giving me very little information and trying to up-sell me on something else. Do your homework and get referrals. Don’t be sucked in by slick Facebook or Instagram Ads.

#4 – I wasn’t Consistent

  • I didn’t commit the time to be consistent. I now blog consistently twice a week. My posts aren’t always the best or most informative but they are consistent and I’m seeing results. Consistency is key!

#5 – I didn’t have Tech Help

  • I wish I would have found someone (a virtual assistant) much sooner to help me with the technical stuff. I just recently hired someone to who I pay a small monthly fee and he hosts my blog and handles all of the back-ups and updates. He helps me with all the back-end stuff that I don’t understand. I can’t tell you how many hours of frustration I’ve spent trying to fix issues with my site. He is worth every penny! (Jeff @ The Webs We Weave)

Blogging Tools

I’m sharing with you some of my favorite blogging tools.

You can find them all HERE

Shop Office Favs

Grab a Drink

So if you’ve wanted to start a blog, I say – Go for it. We are the newspapers and magazines of the future. Bloggers offer advice, instructions, inspiration, and knowledge to the masses. I wish someone had given me some of this advice when I started my journey.

Peace & Happy Blogging!

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  1. Elizabeth@pineconesandacorns says:

    Love this! Some great tips and advice. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth! I thought it was timely for some of my new followers! I wish I knew then what I know now 🙂

  2. I love this!
    I ended up redoing my website a total of four times in fours years. It was an expensive learning curve for sure. Definitely one of the best things that I’ve done is join the mastermind group.
    I’m really ooking forward to getting to know you,

    1. Renae –
      Thanks so much for reading my little blog. Isn’t it crazy the journey we all have been on. I agree that this is the best thing that I’ve ever done to help me move forward. I look forward to getting to know you better too! Love your blog –

  3. Kim Waldorf says:

    Thanks for sharing. I joined the Mastermind group last August and it has been a game changer for me! I started on Wix which is very user friendly but I am learning there are limitations. I am on the wait list to switch over to WordPress. I am not super technical and worry about the move, but I am moving forward anyway. ????

    1. Hi Kim –
      I don’t know anything but WordPress. Let me know if you need any help. I’ve been using it for about 7 years. Glad you’re in our group.

  4. Cindy Rust says:

    Love your honesty! I think it’s important to pass on this kind of info for anyone reading who might want to start their own blog. I am using an R316 theme too – Divine – and I will soon be changing to a new theme. Thanks for sharing! Oh yeah, don’t you just love the Thistelwood Mastermind group?? I’ve been looking for a group like this for three years!!

    1. I made many more than 5 mistakes but these were my top ones that I can remember. 🙂