How to Have an Organized New Year!

Fresh Start

In addition to my other fresh start plans, I will continue to organize in the New Year! Would you like to join me? My 30 Day Organizing Challenge is going to start on the first Monday in February. Why February you might ask? I need a plan, I need a few supplies and I need to get into the right mind set! I also need to get all of the Christmas decorations down and stored away for another year.

Getting Mentally Prepared!

To begin this journey, you need to approach it with a very clear mindset! The number one mantra you need to have is “Do I use this item? Do I love this item? Does this item bring me happiness?”. We only need to keep things that we absolutely love, use and have a place for.

Don’t have a lot of time? No Problem.

I’m going to make this really simple to do and to maintain for the 30 days. We are going to tackle small 20 minute projects, just once a day for 30 days. We all can do that! Right!? It has been my experience, that once you get started and you see the fruits of your labor; it’s hard to not want to continue. Good organization is about creating new habits and maintaining them.

Organized Shelves

Prepared for Organizing?

You need to start out with three large bins or boxes. Mark them “THROW”, “DONATE” and “SELL”. You should also gather plenty of large heavy-duty garbage bags.

If you aren't going to tackle selling, then replace the third bin with another donate bin. Trust me - you will use is. I however have found that some of my junk is other people's treasures. I've been successful with selling on Facebook Marketplace. You can read a post about that HERE.

You might also want to research where you're going to donate your items. I'm also planning on painting or wallpapering my closets when I pull everything out. My closets are in desperate need of a facelift. You don't have to get that involved, but we have a wedding coming up this year and it's just my personality to have everything perfect when we entertain. Going in deep this year.

Organized Pantry

What Else will Be New in the New Year?

I've mentioned in my last post that I was going to be adding YouTube and Podcasts to my repertoire. With Emma's help, I want to start my YouTube adventure with some of my organization projects. I also have some DIY ideas in mind and can't wait to share those with all of you!

I find when my home is organized and orderly, I'm less stressed. I also know that when I'm less stressed and happy, the whole family is affected.

I think things will still be a little crazy for a while however, I see some light at the end of the tunnel. I hope I can keep you busy organizing until then!! Share your email address with me if you want to get the 30 Day Organizing Challenge materials.

In my FREE Resource Libary, you can find everything for how to have an organized new year. There is also so many other fun printables available for you to use and enjoy.

Happy New Year and Peace my Friends,


Here's to a Healthy New Year!

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  1. Dawn Cillo says:

    Thank you Lynn. I revisited your organing blog. I started last year but couldn’t do it in the 30 days as I found myself organing the same things I had. So this year I started when I took down my tree and taking my time and I’m finding more room by getting rid of the things I reallt like but just don’t use anymore.. Wow… I have some space. And I love my little house but it is desperately lacking any storage. Thanks for the push????

    1. Hi Dawn –
      I’m so glad that I could help inspire you. Living in a small house requires us to really evaluate what we love and need in our home! It a never ending process for me!