What a Year it Was! 2020
I have been looking back on 2020 and reflecting on what a year it has been! I’m also looking ahead to this year and mapping out my goals for 2021. At this time last year, I decided to make a vision board for my 2020 goals. I was so unhappy and I needed focus and direction. With my therapist, I plotted out what I wanted my life to look like in 2020. Since I’m a visual person, I decided that a vision board that I could put in the front of my planner would be an inspiration for me
My overall goal was to be happy, and I knew that meant I needed to focus on figuring a way out of my current job. I also was focused on a healthier lifestyle. This lifestyle included getting more exercise and eating better. I had an end goal for that as well. Our youngest daughter was studying abroad in Spain, and we had plans to meet her in May and travel through Spain, France, and Italy. I knew I needed to be in better shape to enjoy my trip. I had goals, I had my vision board and I was motivated. Then came Covid and everyone’s dreams and plans were squashed.
Only in the Darkness can you See the Stars
Martin Luther King Jr.
Believe it or not, the positive of 2020 is that my job was temporarily eliminated in March and permanently eliminated in July. I finally had the time I needed to pursue my dream of blogging on a regular basis and building a brand that I could grow. Following the advice of a very successful blogger, Lisa from Farmhouse on Boone, I started consistently writing two blog posts a week. I know that I need to polish up my blogging skills (learning how to research the right keywords and sharpening my photography skills) but at least I am being consistent.
Looking Forward to 2021
I had ambitiously thought that I should add both podcasting and YouTube videos in 2021, but again I’m listening to Lisa who suggests one big project a year. I’m actually planning to take just part of her advice. I’m going to start with adding a podcast and I’m hoping that I can add YouTube about halfway into this next year. She has six kids, so I get her adding one thing a year. I don’t have any excuse not to be a little bit more aggressive with my goals. So that’s my current plan with “Living Large in A Small House”.
My gardens in 2021 are also on my goal plan. I want them to be fabulous. We will be adding a herb garden to our property and really filling in the flower gardens. I’m also going to do a crop rotation this summer in my veggie garden. I will be saying lots of prayers for our river to be kind to us for the next few years. If it gets too high for too long, it can destroy some of my plants.
A New Vision Board
I’ve made another vision board. Since I lost my way in 2020, I need to get back on track. The goals that I didn’t do so well, like getting in shape, are back on my board in 2021. I used Canva and made a visual that is so inspirational to me, so here it is:
The moral of this whole little ramble is that I was afraid to make a change to do something that was scary financially and emotionally. Coronavirus forced me to take that leap and now I know that I should have faced my fears and taken the leap a very long time ago. However, we can’t cry over spilled milk, so I’m moving forward with my head held high. I’m ready for this new adventure — wherever it may take me!
With gentle steps, I’m walking bravely into 2021!