New Season – Lots of Changes

Season 9 – Episode 1

Today on the Podcast I had my two daughters on to talk about everything happening at this small house.

This is also the beginning of putting the podcast video over on YouTube so you can see us having our chat.

The girls weren’t looking their best! Annie is “glowing” from being sick most days as she is expecting our first grandbaby.

Emma was on day two of a new job that she commutes to. She’s been working from home for the last two years. This new job involves her getting up at 6 am instead of rolling out of bed at 9 and getting on her computer in her jammies.

You can Watch the Video by Clicking the Photo Above

Show Notes:

Love Vs. Design – Peel & Stick Wallpaper

Read about how the Podcast came to be HERE

I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Living Large Podcast


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