Fall House Tour 2017

Hi Friends! The time is here when once again I fall in love with fall. I’m so excited to share my Fall Home Tour 2017.  I hope you enjoy my post as well as the posts of other amazing bloggers on the tour. Thanks so much to Angelina at Peonies and Orange Blossoms for organizing this week of amazing Fall Homes!

Fall Home Tour Ad
Simply Fall
Fall Living Room

Fall is the reason that I could never live anywhere else but in the Midwest.  Who doesn’t love when the days are 60 degrees.  You can wear a soft cashmere sweater with jeans and boots.  When the nights drop to 50 degrees; you can snuggle under a fluffy down comforter with the crisp breeze from open windows dancing over your face. It doesn’t get much better than that.  I’m in love with all of the hydrangeas in bloom and the colorful leaves both on the trees and falling onto the lawn.  Leaves burning on a Sunday afternoon while you’re watching football and enjoying a bowl of chili.  It’s fall heaven!

Fall Masterbedroom

I’m in love with my fireplace and of course, fall means that I get to start having my crackling fires in the house again.  Everything about fall is cozy, homey, and family to me! Crockpot meals are on the menu again.

Fall Tablescape

{Plates, Napkin Rings and Runner – Pier 1, Chargers, Wood Tray and Wineglasses – HomeGoods, Pumpkins – Kirkland’s, Napkins – World Market}

Given that I’m not much of a fan of orange, red, and gold, decorating my home for fall wasn’t a priority for me. So it’s interesting that this is my favorite season.  Imagine my delight when blue, green, and white pumpkins became available and popular.  I no longer have to paint my orange pumpkins white.

Fall Mantle
Fall Mantle 2
Fall Entryway
entrance table

Nature also does a really good job of taking care of fall decor for me.  It’s all around us in the Midwest. During the fall months, in my home, less is more! I’m content with some greenery and a few neutral pumpkins.   Add in an “Apple Crisp” candle and it’s just yummy on cool fall days.

Fall Kitchen
Fall Greenhouse

Well, it’s a marvelous night for a Moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes
A fantabulous night to make romance
’Neath the cover of October skies
And all the leaves on the trees are falling
To the sound of the breezes that blow
And I’m trying to please to the calling
Of your heartstrings that play soft and low…
~Van Morrison, “Moondance,” recorded 1969

The sad part is that it comes and goes just too quickly for me.  Before we know it crisp turns to downright cold but then my thoughts turn to Christmas.

Don’t forget to stop by and visit all of my talented bloggy friends to hear all about their fall decor – From House to Home is the next stop on Fall House Tour 2017! And be sure to tell me all about your favorite fall decorating in the comments below!

Fall Tour Ad


DIY Beautify || Unlikely Martha


Frazzled Joy || North Country Nest || Hood Creek Log Cabin


The Whimsy One || A Home to Grow Old In || Virginia Sweet Pea


Semigloss Design || Keys to Inspiration || Rosemary and Thyme


Kim Power Style || Living Large in a Small House || From House to Home || Life is a Party || The Organized Mom


A blue background with hand-drawn elements sets the stage. A heart symbol flanked by two lines adds charm, while the text "Lynn xoxo" in cursive whispers a promise to make food prep easier and more delightful.

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  1. What a beautiful home you have and it looks especially pretty decorated for fall. I swooned when I saw your greenhouse lit up at night.

    1. Thanks so much Paula. I had the most fun with the greenhouse. It’s pretty new and I’ve never decorated it for fall before. I can’t wait to put a Christmas tree in there this year.

  2. Your table is so lovely! I love those pumpkin plates! And your greenhouse looks absolutely magical!

    1. Thanks Emy – I had so much fun with the greenhouse! I can’t wait to sit down tonight after work and go through everyone’s house tours. I was working on mine until late last night so I haven’t had a chance to look through everyone else’s!

  3. Wanda @ From House To Home says:

    Hi Lynn…I am also not a big fan of the traditional orange and red fall colors, and am really thankful those white, green and blue pumpkins are available 🙂 Your home looks very cozy and inviting and ready for fall. And your greenhouse is to-die-for!

    1. Thanks so much Wanda – My fall is pretty subtle! But watch out for Christmas –

  4. Your home is simply stunning, and I am just drooling over your kitchen with those gorgeous ceilings. I love all the fall touches you added!

    1. Thanks Robin. It’s an always changing and evolving home. It was my husband bachelor pad when I moved in. 25 years later, we’re still here ??

  5. Mom- our home looks amazing. You did such a great job! I can’t wait to come back to this. Love you.

    1. Thanks Baby! Looks like I might be coming by you girls next weekend!

  6. Oh wow! I want your greenhouse! How amazing! I love your soft Fall decor (I’m a little biased because I have the same plates! ) and your green wreath! So pretty! Happy Fall!

    1. Thanks Rebeca for the kind words. Clearly we have similar tastes!

  7. I completely agree with all your sentiments about fall… it really is the perfect season ? Your home is just beautiful, so warm, cozy and inviting!

    1. Thanks Cindy! Of course it’s in the 90’s here in Chicago so it doesn’t seem much like Fall ?

  8. Your home is beautiful with all of the Fall touches. I love that blue and white pumpkin pillow and the pumpkin plates of the similar color palette. Thank you for joining the Fall home tours!!

    1. Thanks Angelina for your kind words and organizing this Fall Home Tour. What an amazing group of talented people.

  9. Jeannee Taylor says:

    Lynn, Your home is amazing! I love the colors you used and you used them so beautifully! The pic of your sofa made me swoon!

  10. Such a beautiful home! Your description of fall – the cozy nights by the fire, sweaters and boots… – are all the reasons I love this season, too 🙂 I’m a Midwest girl also and while I’m biased, this season is THE BEST here 😀

    1. Hi Kelly – I was born in the UP so it seems like the south to me, living in Illinois. I just love Fall and everything about it. We unfortunately have been having weather in the 90’s lately so it doesn’t seem much like fall right now. 🙂

  11. Michelle James says:

    Wow!! Everything is just beautiful and I am swooning over the fall greenhouse! The beautiful ceramic pumpkins are so pretty and I am with you-I look so forward to fires and crock pot meals!

    1. Hi Michelle – Thanks for the kind words. It’s a toss up for me. I love fall and fall weather (wish it would get a little cooler here in Chicago) but Christmas is my absolute favorite decorating season. Fall means that it’s just around the corner.

  12. Dannyelle @ Life is a Party says:

    Your home looks so cozy and lovely. Wow that pic at the end of the greenhouse all lit up looks amazing! Great job!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words. We are in the middle of a new roof, porch and siding so life has gotten really hectic at this small house!