My Love for Vintage & Where I Find It
I am going to share with you today, my love for vintage and where I find it. Over the years my style has changed. When I got married (the first time), my style was what I called “country”. I guess today you would call it farmhouse style but it was a bit more primitive country back then. I still have a few things from those days but the things that I sold or gave away at garage sales would break your heart if you like vintage as I do. Then I moved into a “Laura Ashley/Waverly” phase that was pretty much traditional with a bit of Shabby Chic. After that, I hit my straight on Waverly – Cranberry, Hunter Green, Yellow, and Periwinkle Blue era. I guess my style at that time was pretty much traditional with a smattering of eclectiveness (is that even a word?)

I’ve come full circle with my love of vintage and now I would call my style modern farmhouse with a twist! I appreciate old pieces, especially if they have a story. If I don’t know their story, I make one up. I also love for things to look old and used. I love the chippy and crazed look of things. Having some rust or cracks makes me happy. It just adds to the story of the long life that each piece has lived.
While I don’t have much from my own parents and grandparents hence the stories I make up. I love things that could have very well come from my grandparent’s dairy farm in Northern Wisconsin. I recently found a berry basket that could have held the blueberries that I picked with my Mom’s sister, my Aunt Marilyn. While a cowbell that I have could have come from one of the dairy cows; and instead of the beautiful old plates that my grandma actually kept in her corner cabinet, I’ve found some of my own. My grandparents lived very simply but appreciated a few nice things. My grandma had a breakfront in a front hallway that housed all kinds of beautiful linens. I now have a breakfront that, if memory serves, is similar to hers.
Oh! The Places I Go….
While I love to discover new places, I tend to stick to a few old tried and true favorites. There are a few shops very close to me that carry reproductions and some vintage. I always find something that I love. At the top of my list are Tattered Tiques and The Winterberry Companies which are both right down the street in Lake Barrington, Illinois. For a true vintage/antique experience, I stop at Steeplechase in Barrington. Vintage Art & Finds is also close by in Wauconda, Illinois.
The Shops of Ridgefield in Ridgefield, Illinois has about five great little shops that always have something old and yummy for me to purchase. The Cottage in Crystal Lake, Illinois, Twill Cottage in Walworth, Wisconsin, Midwest Retro, and The Half Full Nest in East Dundee are also favorites. I don’t get there often but well worth the drive when I do, is Urban Farmgirl in Rockford, Illinois.
A few years ago I found a few gals who are local who sell on FB and Instagram. It’s a great way to sell things in these crazy times but I find that I miss out on some of the things that I would love to own. Occasionally I get lucky so it’s worth the challenge! On Instagram, you can find @hollingworthco, @kats_pickens, and Rubbish on Facebook. If your local, Jamie from Rubbish also has a barn full of amazing finds. I was there yesterday and scored a blue vintage mailbox. I’ve been looking for one ever since we added our new front porch, and there it was just sitting there waiting for me. Kat @Kats_pickens has a booth in Great Lakes Antique Mall in Antioch that I love wandering through.
If you’re looking for English Advertising Pots, I’ve got you covered. I’m especially lucky to know these three ladies, who live locally. Amy @vintagebreadbox (She also has an Etsy Shop), Carol @redemmedvintage_com, and Joy @savvycityfarmer.
I have some favorites that aren’t near me so I have to pay for shipping but it’s so worth it. Jamie @booksbycolor_jays has the most amazing books. Kathee & Gail @thefrenchfarmerswife are my go-to for french breadboards, french linens, old books, and copper. I also find great things from Jama & Mike of Black Barn Vintage.
I am also close to three pretty famous flea markets. The Kane County Flea market is in St. Charles, IL and they are open from March through December on the first Saturday and Sunday of every month. When we were in our “country” faze, my sister and I were there every month! We also are close to the Elkhorn Antique Flea Market in Elkhart, Wisconsin. They have an event four times a year. In May, June, August & September. Finally a newer event but probably my favorite is the Main Street Market by Urban Farmgirl in Belvedere, IL. They have an event in May & September.
What Kind of Vintage do I Buy?
Currently, these are the things that I’m pretty passionate about. Flow Blue China I would say is on the top of my list. A passion that I was introduced to by my friend Amy from @thevintagebreadbox. I also love old vintage books, especially leather-bound ones. Old scales and typewriters make my heart sing. I would rather have a vintage copper saucepan than a Le Creuset dutch oven any day. I buy things because they speak to me and I fall in love with them.
If I could plan my dream vacation and I didn’t have to take anyone else wishes into consideration, I would either plan a trip around the country visiting shops and markets; or take a trip to England and France to do some serious vintage shopping.
The one thing about vintage is it’s not a minimalist look and I appreciate both. I’m actually wanting to switch up my bookshelves next to my fireplace with something new. I want to reduce the “noise” in the space. However, I’m saving that for another post.
Well, it’s getting to be that time of year when I need to start putting flea market dates on my calendar. Hopefully, I can sneak away in between wedding prep. But once the wedding is over, watch out!
If you’re a vintage lover, what are your favorite shops? I would love to hear. I have been known to jump in the truck and drive many hours for the love of vintage!
Where Can You Find all My Vintage Favorites?
- Tattered Tiques – Lake Barrington, IL @tatteredtiques
- The Winterberry Companies – Lake Barrington, IL @thewinterberrycompanies
- Steeplechase Antiques – Barrington, IL @steeplechaseantiques
- Vintage Art & Finds – Wauconda, IL @vintageartandfinds
- The Shops at Ridgefield Antiques – Ridgefield, IL
- Twill Cottage – Walworth, Wisconsin @twillcottage
- Midwest Retro – East Dundee, IL @midwestretrocoolstuff
- The Half Full Nest – East Dundee, IL @thehalffullnest
- Savvy City Farmer – East Dundee, IL @savvycityfarmer
- @hollingsworthandco
- Great Lakes Antiques – Antioch, IL @kats_pickens_
- Rubbish
- @thevintagebreadbox – Etsy Shop
- @redeemedvintage_com
- Main Street Market –Urban Farmgirl Rockford, IL @urbanfarmgirl
- Kane County Flea Market – St. Charles, IL
- Elkhorn County Antique Market – Elkhorn, Wisconsin
- @booksbycolor_jaysworld – Etsy Shop
- The French Farmers Wife – North Carolina @thefrenchfarmerswife
- Black Barn Vintage – Indiana @blackbarnvintage
i make it over to Columbia to the old multi floor stores that now hold antiques and vintage items on occasion. We have another place about 3 minutes away where a young woman has refurbished vintage furniture and accessories. Honestly, I mostly shop our attic which can be just as much fun. when i see so many vintage items I remember how Mom had that or how we yard saled befroe another major move.
I love to shop my house! I have a den that has become my storage space for all of my smalls. Luckily I have a big closet in that room so I’m able to keep it tidy. Our house is very small so I keep all of my extra furniture in a storage unit 🙂
Thanks for reading my little blog!