One Room Challenge Baby Nursery Design: Week 1

Living Large in A  Small House

Lynn Vogeler of Living Large in A Small House

Interior Designer 

Nursery Focal Point

Nursery Furniture

Nursery Lighting

Mom & Dad To Be

This is what the room looks like currently.

We have 8 weeks to transform the space. 

– We live in Illinois and the nursery is in Dallas, TX – The room has textured walls so we have to contend with that before wallpapering – The room has grey carpeting on the floor but it is brand new so it's staying – Their house doesn't really have an area for a playroom so this space will have to house toys, books, etc.

The challenges

The assets

– The room is a blank slate – There is a large closet for us to work with – The nursery has a southern exposure so it will be bright and cheerful

Did I mention we are the grandparents to-be and we are doing the work!


A blank canvas once we move out all the baby stuff

We will have the big reveal in 8 weeks
