Saturday Shopping with Me and My Friends #19
Welcome to Saturday Shopping at this Small House
I don’t know about you but shopping is just more fun with friends. I love to see what they are liking and it’s funny how some of the same things end up in my cart as well.
On my blog Living Large in A Small House, I may sometimes use affiliate links, which means a small commission is earned if you purchase via the link. The price will be the same whether you use the affiliate link or go directly to the vendor’s website using a non-affiliate link. You can find my full Disclosure Policy HERE
Valentine’s Day Shopping
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I don’t do much for Valentine’s Day. When my kids were young, I used to always give them a new bathing suit on Valentine’s as we typically had a ski vacation planned for a long weekend around a late February school break. I plan to continue the bathing suit idea with my grand baby. Since he lives in Texas, he will be swimming in no time.
I also wanted to share some fun Valentine’s finds from Etsy since I’m becoming more and more about shopping small.
- My sweet Harrison will look adorable in this bathing suit from Ruffle Butts!!
- I love anything cozy! If someone wanted to gift me this sweatshirt, these cute pj’s, or this pink quilt, I wouldn’t be mad.
- Anyone who loves to journal or doodle would appreciate this vintage look leather journal.
- If you are like me and don’t really decorate for Valentine’s Day but appreciate vintage, you might enjoy like these sweet Vintage English Advertising Ware with Love Transfers on them. They are available on Etsy from my friend Amy @vintagebreadbox.
What My Friends Are Loving
Anna – Sky Lark House
With Valentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day just around the corner, I am sharing some fun and affordable finds.
- This crystal heart bangel bracelet by Betsey Johnson is perfect for Valentine’s Day or anytime of year.
- I love this Thyme’s bubble bath that looks like a bottle of wine.
- Anything by Lollia is fabulous. Their hand creme is luxurious, works well and smells amazing.
- These gold tone heart shaped salad serving pieces are charming and affordable. Definitely a win-win.
- Finally, this heart shaped metal bowl with a gold tone is subtle nod to Valentine’s Day. It’s the perfect place to store trinkets, keys, spare change, and more.
Diane – South House Designs
Today, I am all in on Galantine’s Day — a fun take on Valentine’s Day celebrating the love and support of my special band of gal pals. I am a firm believer in a treat bag or box filled with one item or several smaller items and it’s all the sweeter if one is handmade!
- So my Galentine treats would start with a darling doodled trinket dish I’d make for each from shells out of our lake, but you can order these shells and have a handmade goodies in nothing flat. Or you can buy rather than diy, with these.
- I’d add something for a bit of self care for my ladies, like these beautiful hand-painted glass nail files (you’ll never go back to an emery board), or this simple spa set with a shower steamer (choice of 25 scents) with this sweet silicone shower steamer tray (elevates the steamer so it lasts longer and you’re not kicking the steamer around).
- Bookmarks are always appreciated (and we can never have enough). Like these or these personalized ones, or this funny set.
- And a fun pair of earrings individually selected for each gal. Like this one for the book lovers, for the cat ladies among us, for the arts and crafts lover, and more
Lora – Lora Bloomquist
- We are diving deep into whole grains as our health reboot for the new year. Over the holidays we were listening to Sue Becker from Breadbeckers explain how nutritious freshly milled grains are for our bodies. And how the flour here in the U.S. has been stripped of all the healthy. After 2 1/2 years of avoiding baked carbs, I’ve been baking up a storm with all kinds of unique grains; it’s so fun and so delicious! You can get her book HERE; half of it explains everything, the other half is delicious recipes using freshly milled grains. THIS is the mill we chose ( I did get it in a darker stain, though). It’s an investment to start, but is a great way to get nutrition back into your food. And fresh baked is soooo good:)
- This time of year I love to add the texture of woven baskets all around the house. They’re a great item to thrift, or find a great selection HERE. Hang a grouping of them, tuck them into shelves for texture, corral clutter with them. You can never have too many baskets.
- Everything is coming up roses for Valentine’s on this pretty table I styled on IG this week. (see it HERE and follow me while you’re there😉 Each year I love bringing out a collection of red and pink flowered vintage postcards. I stand them in flower frogs by each place setting, or on the windowsill. I’ve been thinking of bringing them to a printshop to enlarge for wall art, too. Find a wide variety of vintage postcards HERE.
- My kitchen seating area is so full of green right now. The paperwhites and amaryllis are blooming along with a green fern on the coffee table. It’s got a botanical vibe that is so fresh this time of year. THESE rechargeable lamps are a little mod for my house, but I love how they look at night in this grouping. And I love the extra light for reading, too. (plus…they’re on sale right now;)
I hope that you enjoyed shopping with me today!
If you made a purchase, please know that we all appreciate it as it helps in a small way to support our small house businesses.
Peace and Love,

Meet Me
My name is Lynn. I live in the suburbs of Chicago in a 1,300 sq. ft. home with my Handy husband, Keith.
I’m an open book about my life on my blog. You can find out more about me by visiting my About page.