Lynn’s Recollections and Reflections #36 – Our Kids
Life with Three Kids
Once our house renovation was completed and our house was back in order, we fell into what we thought was a nice family routine.
On the outside, we looked like a great little family but a lot was going on.
Child of Divorce
Being a child of divorce is never easy and it’s not easy when the two people who made you think the other is the worst person on earth.
Kenny was finally going to school near us. I just couldn’t drive him to a different school in a different town and get Annie to her school all with a newborn.
While Kenny was finally going to school where he should have from age 7, he wasn’t happy and he wasn’t fitting in.
After some things that were happening at our house and going to counseling, Kenny decided he wanted to go live with his Dad.
He moved schools again and within a few months, his Dad decided he needed to go to a “camp” in Nevada. He spent 90 days in the wilderness and didn’t eat warm food until he learned to make fire with two sticks and his hands. It was one of those break you down so you see the light kind of camps. Nothing I would have agreed to if I had anything to say.
It broke my heart then and still breaks my heart to this day that I didn’t stand up more for Kenny. I wish I was a better Mom to him. He’s had a tough time.
His story at this point forward is his story to tell but I can tell you this:
Kenny has recently gotten married to the love of his life, Mila. She’s perfect for him and he’s happier than I’ve ever seen him. I’m so proud of the man he has become.
Stay-at-Home Mom
I was a stay-at-home Mom. I did help Keith with his business but my main commitment was to running our home and taking care of the family.
All of my adult life I have enjoyed being a “homemaker”. Everything involved in caring for a home and kids are the things that bring joy to my heart.
Being involved in my kid’s school and our church was something that I also enjoyed doing. I was the PTO President, the President of our Church Preschool Board, and a Girl Scout leader. I was going all the “right” things.
Love to Throw A Party
I love to throw a party and have company over to our home. Sometimes it was the neighbors or a few friends and sometimes it was lots and lots of friends and family.
We had the best 4th of July parties. Having a theme made our parties and party planning so much fun. These are a few of our party themes:
- Christmas in July
- Mexican Fiesta
- Hawaiian Pig Roast
- M*A*S*H
- Big Little Lies
- Academy Awards Party
When we took a break from real life, we did a really good job having fun.
My Parents
My parents had moved a little bit more than an hour away in the early 90s. I forgot to mention that. When I told them I was getting a divorce, they sold their house and moved. I think they were afraid that I would move back home. That was never even an option in my mind.
In September of 2001, my Dad’s health started to deteriorate. It was a rough couple of years. I was the only sibling who didn’t have a full-time job so I spent a lot of time going up there to help my Mom and Dad.
In the fall of 2003, they finally agreed to sell their home and move back closer to us kids. On the weekend that we were all there to help them move out of the house, something happened with my Dad. He had fallen and my Mom called an ambulance that took him to a local hospital.
We aren’t sure exactly what happened but he never walked again. Their plans to move into a small home were canceled. My Dad was moved into a nursing home close to us and my Mom moved in with my Sister and her family.
Aging Parents
Most of us have that point in our lives where we have to deal with the trials and tribulations of caring for aging parents. It’s not easy and there aren’t road maps.
My Dad passed away in early 2005. A few weeks later my Mom was in the hospital. That was the start of her decline.
The Older Sister
While Emma was always trying to steal the show, Annie was in the background being her sweet quiet self. Smarter than almost everyone in her class she was a little bookworm. At night I would find her under the covers with a flashlight reading her books when she should be asleep.
One night when she was in bed with me and we were reading a book, her heart started racing so fast I couldn’t even count the beats. I screamed for Keith and by the time he got up to the room her heart was back to normal.
We went to the doctor the next morning and that started several years of trying to figure out what was going on with her. She was tiny and sick a lot and she had us worried.
She was the middle child and unfortunately, she got attention because of her health. To this day she still wants Mom when she needs to get a shot. She did however recently have a baby and she did amazing! Giving birth to our first Grandson.
Through it all Emma was our little spitfire and a shining light in the worst of times. When my Dad was in the nursing home, everyone knew Emma. She tried to help those who asked to escape from the home. The alarmed doors were always going off when Emma was visiting.
At Annie’s school, she ran the halls and visited unsuspecting classrooms. Many a time the Principal had to announce over the PA system. “Does anyone know where Emma is?” Teachers would call down and let us know whose classroom she was in.
She would sneak out of the house without a diaper on. I’m sure everyone thought we were just the worst parents.
Let’s face it when you’re in your late 40s with a toddler, you’re tired!
Emma, who spent your childhood in nursing homes, hospitals, and around mostly adults because her parents were older, turned into a quirky, wise beyond-her-years kid.
Peace & Love,
You can find the complete list of all of the Recollection Posts HERE
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Meet Me
I’m an Interior Designer turned full-time blogger who lives in the northwest suburbs of Chicago in a 1,300 sq., ft., home with my “Handy” husband, Keith.
I’m an open book about my life on my blog. Find out more about me by tapping the button below.
I can’t begin to describe how much I am enjoying your life’s stories. You’re a great writer!
Thank you so much Dianne – Your kind comments mean everything to me.